Track Previous Groupon Deals

By Mark Harris

Have you ever missed a groupon deal and wish you could find out when it came back. This page allows you to set search keywords to check against daily deals across the country. You will be emailed a link to the groupon page if a match is found. Keywords

Acronym Finder (without Lookup)

By Mark Harris

This tool searches the text in the uploaded file for acronyms. Sorts the list and removes duplicate entries. Then looks for the definition in your original document e.g. Three Letter Acronym (TLA). The results are presented in a table for copying into your document. Upload a text file to find all the acronyms in it…

Acronym Finder

By Mark Harris

Upload a text file to find all the acronyms in it File path: This tool searches the text in the uploaded file for acronyms. Sorts the list and removes duplicate entries. Then looks up the definitions against a list of 3740 known acronyms. The results are presented in a table for copying into your document.…

What’s That Image?

By Mark Harris

Upload an image to find out what it is. Powered by Google. File path: Invalid file. Must be gif or jpg less than 100kb.

Value Stuff via a Webcam Barcode Reader

By Mark Harris

I needed to catalogue all my Books, CDs, DVDs and Games recently to determine how much I should insure them for when looking for house contents insurance. If you are like me and hoard stuff then the idea of cataloguing your collection seems daunting. So I devised this little tool. Download the free Katanshi Barcode…