VBA within Word that formats all files within the current folder / subfolders matching a regular expression search to a file name specified.
e.g. [2007-01-01]* becomes 2007-01-01*
e.g. (2007-01-01)* becomes 2007-01-01*
e.g. [20070101]* becomes 2007-01-01*
e.g. (20070101)* becomes 2007-01-01*
e.g. 20070101* becomes 2007-01-01*
e.g. *20070101.??? becomes 2007-01-01 *.???
e.g. *(20070101).??? becomes 2007-01-01 *.???
e.g. 2007-01-01* becomes 2007-01-01 *

File Name Formater Document